Decide Which Retarget Audiences You Need to Create (1:28)


0:00 So if you’re having trouble understanding which audiences you should start with this chart should help you So I want you to start here. 0:09 I want you to try here, I want you to start with these Six and really there’s three audiences in here because you need to make website Facebook and Instagram website Facebook and Instagram. 0:23 So I want you to start with past 30 days and past seven days we’re gonna build all these if you’re getting an error that says your audience is not big enough then the last resort is we’re just gonna blast it we’re just gonna do past 180 days we’re gonna do the full amount actually past 180 365 because 0:46 for social media you can do 365 so we’ll have to do that for as a last resort if you’re not getting enough traffic if your if your audience is below a thousand people so we’ll move here and then you’ll move here eventually and then eventually I really want you to get over here where you can have all 1:07 the all three of these okay right off the bat you’re most likely not going to be able to get that so I don’t want you to waste your time let’s start here then we’ll move so I’ll put this chart down below ATC is add to cart, VVS is video views and we’re gonna get into how to build these here in the the 1:27 upcoming lesson.

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