Facebook Ads Preparation Course

Painlessly get your

set up for Facebook and Instagram Ads Success

What is the FB Ads Prep Course?

The Facebook Ads Prep Course is a step-by-step, video-based training program that instructs you on how to establish the accounts you need before you can start delivering Facebook and Instagram Ads for your business. This course is completed in just 4 days without making you feel overwhelmed or confused.


Who is this course for?

You already know that Facebook and Instagram Ads work, but you just haven’t yet figured out how to crack them.

Maybe you have even tried to run some ads yourself and didn’t quite get the results you were looking for… Or maybe you tried to follow some videos on YouTube and got super confused and overwhelmed? – I know I did… 

I’m telling you that it doesn’t have to be this way.



An Employee

That has been recently asked to start doing Facebook Ads for your boss or company as an "additional task"...
...and not sure where to even start...

A Small Business Owner

Without the budget to hire a professional digital marketer...
struggling to get the sales you need for your online shop and you're ready to get started with Facebook and Instagram Ads

A "Wantrepreneur"

That wants to offer freelance services for Facebook and Instagram Ads...
...or wanting to start your own agency services for Facebook and Instagram Ads...

… then I want to let you know, you’re in the right place, and I’m going to tell you exactly how the Facebook Ads Prep Course is going to give you the tools, expert know-how and over-the-shoulder guidance on your first big step towards launching successful Facebook and Instagram Ads!


Take your first meaningful step to starting Facebook and Instagram Ads

FB Ads Prep Course

$87.00 Original price was: $87.00.$6.99Current price is: $6.99.
  • 4 Comprehensive Modules
  • 26 Step-By-Step Video Lessons
  • 25 Support PDF Guides
  • Lifetime Access
  • Account Set up Audit: In-Depth Examination of Your Accounts to Discover Concerns and Potential Improvements
  • 30 Minute Video Meeting
  • PDF Doc with Notes on your Current Account Setup and a Recording of our Session
  • $497 Value!

FB Ads Prep Course

$87.00 Original price was: $87.00.$6.99Current price is: $6.99.
  • 4 Comprehensive Modules
  • 26 Step-By-Step Video Lessons
  • 25 Support PDF Guides
  • Lifetime Access
  • $87 Value!

Value or Your Money Back

My 90-Day Money-Back Guarantee

If within 90 days of purchasing this course, you feel it didn’t give you what you wanted or needed – don’t hesitate to contact me directly at [email protected] for a refund and I’ll be happy to oblige.

You can take the course risk-free to see if it’s the type of training for you or not. If not, we’ll give you a full refund – 100% guaranteed!

Here's what we'll cover In 4 short days

Create a Facebook Page for your business

and properly set it up -- including your business bio and profile photo, cover photo, branding, business info and the “about” section. I'll even give you some design templates to get some of your first content posted!

Day 1

Create an Instagram for Your Business

including how to convert it into a "professional" account and nail a perfect bio!

Day 2

Set up your Facebook Business Suite

to help you separate your personal and business life on Facebook and control all your assets in one place. We'll also create your new ads account.

Day 3

Establish a New Facebook Pixel

and correctly install it on your website or online shop to start tracking visitors, page views, registrations, purchases and more.

Day 4
  • Created a Facebook Page for Your Business,  and properly set it up including photos, branding, business info and the “about” section
  • Created an Instagram for Your Business, including how to convert it into a business account and nail the perfect bio section
  • Set up your Facebook Ads Account, adding a payment method and putting the correct controls on who has access to your account to avoid hackers
  • Established a new Facebook Pixel and correctly installed it on your website or online shop to start tracking visitors, page views, registrations, purchases and more
  • Created a Facebook Business Manager Account to help separate your personal and business life on Facebook and control all of your assets in one place

Here's what people are saying about The FB Ads Prep Course:

I started your course today, and wanted to tell you how much I love it! Can't wait for day 2. Very well put together and goes slowww, which is what I have needed for so long. THANK YOUUUU!!!

Isabella W

Hey Steven,  I just wanted to let you know that how you approach teaching complex subjects makes it so easy for me to understand. Thank you for breaking it down!

Clara Sanchez

I couldn't have asked for more than this. Thank You! Thank you for making it painless, pleasant and most of all easy to follow.

Jennie U.

Nice work on this course. It's really wonderful.  I think I would I would have gone crazy by now without it.

Ruby Clark

It's exactly what I've been looking for. I had no idea how many things I needed to do. I thought I had to start by first boosting an ad on Instagram. Dude, your stuff is the bomb!



Module 1 | Setting Up Your Facebook Page

I have created and studied hundreds of Facebook Pages and you’re going to learn the best tips and tricks to get your Page set up quickly (and correctly) first time.

This is where it all starts: Your Facebook Page… This is different from your personal Facebook Profile and is an important piece in creating any future ads. In fact… without a Facebook Page for your business, you can’t run ads at all.

Even if you already have a page for your business, perfect! We’ll just tweak what you have and make sure it’s ready for prime-time.

We’ll start with setting up a brand new page from scratch. We’ll do a run through of every section of a Facebook Page and what sections you should be focusing on, step-by-step.

From there we’ll do things like add basic business info like your hours, location, and about section.

Finally we’ll work on the photos. I’ll suggest what profile photo you should use for your page and we’ll discuss cover photos vs cover videos and what’s best for your business (with examples).

  • Create a brand new Facebook Page for your business (or review the one you currently have), and properly set the foundation for the rest of your Facebook Ads experience.
  • Walk through with me as we fill in your business info, step-by-step, focusing only on the sections you need to add (and which to skip).
  • Add your perfect profile picture and cover photo, with examples and graphic design swipe files.

Module 2 | Setting up Your Instagram Account

A little known fact… Facebook has owned Instagram since 2012. And the biggest reason they purchased Instagram is so business owners like you can run ads to millions more of your potential customers. Because of this, it’s imperative that you create an Instagram account for your business to run your ads on.

I’m going to start by explaining the power and value in having an Instagram account so you can be fully on board with why you need this platform. We’ll also cover the key distinctions between personal and business Instagram accounts.

From there I will walk you through downloading the app on your phone and creating a brand new account including tips on how to create the perfect bio and what profile photo to use.

The last bit of this module wraps is the most important step and that is converting your new or existing Instagram account into a business account and linking it to your Facebook Page.



  • Understand the importance of Instagram as well as the difference between personal and business accounts
  • Create a brand new Instagram account for your business (or review the one you currently have), setting the business info, profile photo and creating an engaging bio
  • Convert your Instagram account into a business account and link it to your business Facebook Page so you can later deliver ads, check your insights, and create an online shop.

Module 3 | Setting up Facebook Business Suite

With so many moving parts, it helps to be able to organize all of these things in one place. That’s where the Facebook Business Suite comes into play.

Being able to use the Business Suite separates the beginners from the experts and I am going to show you exactly how to set it up and use it effectively.

We’ll start by creating a brand new Business Suite Account including info about you and your business.

From there we’ll start linking all of the assets you made in the previous modules including your Facebook Page, Instagram Account and any co-workers or business partners.

We’ll wrap up by creating a new Ads account and linking it to your page. 


  • Create a brand new Facebook Business Suite Account getting you started on the road to business organization and success!
  • Connect all of your business assets including your Facebook Page, Instagram account and any people you want to help manage your business.
  • Create your Facebook Ads account and connect it to your Business Suite allowing you to run ads to your Pages and Accounts

Module 4 | Setting up a new Facebook Pixel

By the time you start Module 4, you will be almost done with the course and moving on to actually creating ads for your business! But first, you’ll need to set up your Facebook Tracking Pixel.

The Facebook Pixel is a tracking and analytics tool built by Facebook to assist you in figuring out what people are doing on your website (like page views and purchases) and thus, allow you to build better ads. It’s a very important step and can not be skipped.

It can get a little technical, but don’t worry, I am here to walk you through exactly how to create it, set it up on your website and check to make sure it’s installed properly.

We’ll start inside your newly created Business Manager from the last module and head over to the event section and create a new pixel for your business.

After that we have to decide on the best way to install it on your website. Whether you’re running a custom WordPress site or a Shopify page, I’ll cover the most common ways to get the Pixel installed on your site.

Finally, we will make sure we have it correctly installed on your site with the help of a chrome extension.


  • Create a brand new Pixel for your business inside of your Business Suite account.
  • Install the new Pixel on your website either by entering the pixel ID in the settings or entering a few line of codes into your websites header section.
  • Check to make sure the pixel is properly installed with the help of another online tool.


You owe it to yourself to take a momentum building step toward starting Facebook and Instagram Ads

FB Ads Prep Course

$87.00 Original price was: $87.00.$6.99Current price is: $6.99.
  • 4 Comprehensive Modules
  • 26 Step-By-Step Video Lessons
  • 25 Support PDF Guides
  • Lifetime Access
  • $87 Value!

FB Ads Prep Course

$87.00 Original price was: $87.00.$6.99Current price is: $6.99.
  • 4 Comprehensive Modules
  • 26 Step-By-Step Video Lessons
  • 25 Support PDF Guides
  • Lifetime Access
  • Account Set up Audit: In-Depth Examination of Your Accounts to Discover Concerns and Potential Improvements
  • 30 Minute Video Meeting
  • PDF Doc with Notes on your Current Account Setup and a Recording of our Session
  • $497 Value!

Here's what you're getting when you enroll today:

4 Implementation Modules

Showing you exactly how to set up EVERY SINGLE account, page and application needed before you can start running Facebook and Instagram ads for your business.

My Complete Step-By-Step Facebook Business Account Setup Process

That walks you through how to correctly (and easily) get your business visible in the Facebook and Instagram network without leaving you confused.

Business set up tips, tricks and best practices

to make sure your pages and accounts are set up correctly the first time and avoiding headaches down the road.

Click-by-Click Facebook Pixel Installation Guide

to make sure you are tracking your website visitors and the actions they take on your website or store.

Free Bonus! 30 Minute Account Setup Review Call

Get a personalized and expert review of your Facebook business page, Instagram business account, Meta Business Suite, and Pixel installation in a 30-minute call to optimize your account setup for successful ad campaigns and improve your online presence.

Once you are enrolled in the course, you can explore and learn at your own pace. Although this course is designed to be taken sequentially, lesson-by-lesson, I am aware that sometimes one lesson may be needed more urgently than others – so feel free to jump ahead!

My goal is to make sure you complete the course, not just sign up for it.

Frequently Asked Questions

This is exact reason I made the course. So many instructors out there take a complicated subject and then make it even more complicated, or worse, assume you know what you’re doing and skip over important steps.

I am extremely thorough in my approach making sure every. single. step. is laid out and very, very clear. You will see every click I make, every step I make and I go at a pace that you can follow (instead of having to constantly pause your screen to keep up).

If you can use google, you can learn from this course.

Not a single dollar.

All Facebook entities are free to create!  This includes:

  1. Facebook Personal Profile
  2. Facebook Business Page
  3. Instagram Account
  4. Facebook Business Suite
  5. Facebook Ads Account
  6. Facebook Tracking Pixel

Only when you want to start creating and delivering ads is when you will need to spend money. The minimum is $1 per day. 

Important! – This course is not about creating ads. we will not cover creating ads at all. Think of this course as a pre-requisite.

It’s about getting everything set up before you create ads.

This course is made for beginners to both Facebook and digital marketing. If you are able to navigate your personal Facebook and are able to search for what you’re looking for using Google,  then I’m confident that I can fill in the rest.

I will not sugar-coat it, there will be some tasks in lessons that you have never done before and might be challenged, but I am here to walk you through every step of the way and confident you can do this!

Original price was: $87.00.Current price is: $6.99.

It’s true, there are many videos out there showing how to create Facebook Ads for beginners. And if that’s your preferred way of learning, I fully support you exiting this page and going for it right now.

But for anyone that has tried that method and failed knows that there is just something missing.

Here’s a couple issues I have noticed with the YouTube learning method in regards to Facebook Ads:

1)  There is never one person that teaches EVERY subject start to finish. 

You have to piece together different topics from multiple instructors. How to make a Facebook Page from instructor 1. How to convert your Instagram into a Business Instagram from instructor 2.  Having to learn similar subjects from multiple teaching styles can be stressful and non-consistent. You end up jumping around to multiple videos and get overwhelmed and just quit.

2)  Most YouTube instructors assume you know more than you do.

What I have found over the years, is that people appreciate when I explain a new, complex subject to them in way where I assume they know nothing about that subject. YouTube instruction videos for Facebook Ads usually jump right into step 5 or 6 assuming you already “have the basics down”. Nope not here. we cover the basics in detail, leaving no step left behind.

Nope! You will get the content in a pre-planned and strategic way.

This course was crafted to bring as much benefit to you as possible. My goal was not to just get you to sign up and never log in.

When taking on a new project, it’s important that you are not overwhelmed by looking at the top of the mountain, but instead only the next step you have to take. Before you know it, you’ll be at the peak.

I will release one module to you per day as you complete each step. Here, we focus on the process of daily forward movement instead of the end goal.

Each lesson has a comment section where you are able to ask questions for each lesson.

I see every question that comes in and will answer as many as I can.

No. This course is a stepping stone to creating ads. The lessons I have put together go into extreme detail on how to get get everything ready before you start serving ads. Think of it as packing your bag before you go hiking. I am going to make sure you have everything you need before you head out on that trail.

Still Not Sure?

The FB Ads Prep Course is PERFECT for you if you…

1. Are just getting started with digital marketing or Facebook Ads and want to set everything up right (the first time).

2. Already struggling with Facebook Ads, the Pixel or Facebook Business Manager and just want to fix it once and for all.

3. Looking for someone to give you that push in the right direction and tell you “you got this!” when it comes to setting up your Facebook Ad Accounts.

4. Are motivated to put in the work to achieve a fantastic outcome even if you have to learn a new skill in the process.

5. Have already invested time trying to make Facebook or Instagram ads work for your business.

6. Think that your tech skills are so bad, that you’ll never master Facebook Ads. If you can click a mouse, you can complete this course!

7. Know that in just 4 days, it’s possible to have all of your business accounts set up and waiting to run your first Facebook and Instagram Ads. 

8. Ready to put in a few dedicated hours each day for 4 days in order to get your business online, set up and ready to deliver some killer Facebook Ads.

I can not wait to guide you through these next 4 days...

Facebook Ads have literally changed my life.

I transitioned from a highly demanding military career to full time college student and now running my own profitable company where I create Facebook Ads for other businesses.

The freedom that comes from being able to deliver Facebook Ads has is the best feeling ever. And I want you to experience that for you and your business as well.

If you’re a business owner, employee or newly minted entrepreneur, you owe it to yourself to invest in a course on how to get all of the accounts set up correctly before you start trying to deliver ads.

When building a new home, the first and most important thing that is done is setting it on a strong foundation. And that is what I am offering you. This course will build you the strong foundation that the rest of your Facebook and Instagram ads will be supported on.

Take it from someone who has spent over 1 million dollars on Facebook Ads, created tens of thousands of different advertisements, seen by tens of millions of people all over the world, getting the first steps right are crucial.

Should you choose to accept my invitation to complete my Facebook Ads Account Setup Course, I personally guarantee that the next 4 days will transform you into a much smarter, and capable digital marketer.

Be Amazing,

Steven Losada


FB Ads Prep Course

$87.00 Original price was: $87.00.$6.99Current price is: $6.99.
  • 4 Comprehensive Modules
  • 26 Step-By-Step Video Lessons
  • 25 Support PDF Guides
  • Lifetime Access
  • Account Set up Audit: In-Depth Examination of Your Accounts to Discover Concerns and Potential Improvements
  • 30 Minute Video Meeting
  • PDF Doc with Notes on your Current Account Setup and a Recording of our Session
  • $497 Value!
  • 00Days
  • 00Hours
  • 00Minutes
  • 00Seconds